Open Prep Course and Current Events

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Open Prep Course

  • What?

    • An 8 session course focusing on skills that have been in the Open previous years. Drills range from beginners learning the skill, to advanced athletes looking to improve their efficiency in the movements. Skills include: Double Unders, Toes to Bar, Pullups, Chest to Bar Pullups, Bar Muscle Ups, Ring Muscle Ups, Handstand Pushups, Nutrition and fueling, strategy and maximizing your score. Each class will also have homework that will give participants a chance to continue to work on the skills outside of class.

  • When?

    • Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30PM for 4 weeks (9/3-9/25)

    • Note: Course will begin 9/3 (Tuesday) because of Labor day

  • Why?

    • Last year we saw a lot of gymnastics in the Open, and meeting with people after there was a large interest in improving in those areas. This class gives us the opportunity to narrow our focus and get or improve those skills before they’re tested in the Open.

  • How Much?

    • $65 for the whole course! Consider it small group training with specific focus.

  • What if I can’t make every class?

    • Session plans and homework will be available to all participants. So you can work on the skills on your own if you miss a session.

  • How do I sign up?

    • Via the sign up sheet at the gym or by emailing:


  • Parent-Kid Class (sept 8th at noon) $5 

  • After Labor Day the kids classes will be: 

    • Tuesday 5p - 5:30p (3-7yo) 5:30p-6p (8 and up) 

    • Thursday 5p-5:30p (3-7 yo) 5:30p-6p (8 and up) 

    • Saturday 9a -9:30a (3-7 yo) 9:30a - 10a (8 and up) 

      • The class is $5, we add it to your monthly invoice! 

  • Labor Day weekend 

    • Saturday - normal class times 

    • Sunday - closed 

    • Monday - 7:30a And 9a