What’s going on?
Keeneland Trip: 10/13, see Heidi Ferguson for details
Parent Kids Class: 10/14 @12PM
Sunday Zone Class: 10/21 @9AM
Halloween In-House Comp, 10/27, roughly scheduled 8AM-12PM but we will do our best to finish early. Sign up is on the Coaches Desk with a FAQ Guide. You sign up, I pick the teams, we all have fun.
Kids Class with Costumes: 10/30
Last 60 Nutrition Challenge: Traditionally the last 60 days of the year are the hardest nutrition wise, with Thanksgiving and Christmas. This year we are going against that trend and doing a challenge to finish 2018 strong, and start 2019 on the right foot. More info to come on this next week.
Snatch Technique
Here are some great tips and corrective exercises from the legendary coach Mike Burgener https://www.instagram.com/p/BnotBwKjSxd/?hl=en&taken-by=crossfit_weightlifting