It's Thanksgiving, DON'T BLOW IT
Thanksgiving Meal Survival 101
- Start your day with a little breakfast so when you get to your big meal you’re not starving and prone to overeating.
- Check out the entire Thanksgiving meal before you sit down and mentally make choices. Don’t get surprised by Auntie’s special pie after you’ve already taken a brownie.
- One plate. When the whole family goes back for seconds, go get involved in a movie or a card game and skip the second round!
- Easy on empty calories. Grandma breaking out the eggnog early? Sit down and have a glass, focus on having a meaningful conversation with Grandma and then hit up the water.
- Hit up the Ft. Wright CrossFit Day after Thanksgiving WOD to reset yourself!
Coaches Corner
*We have some OHS coming up next week, so here's a short video about shoulder position in that movement!
Current Events
Thanksgiving Schedule:
- No 630P on 11/22 (all other classes will run as normally scheduled)
- Closed 11/23 (no classes)
- 8AM and 930AM 11/24
- Closed 11/26 (no classes)
*We now have bottles of water for sale, $1 ea. and charged just like FitAid (marked on the sheet hanging on the fridge)
*Friends and Family Week 11/27-12/2
*Check out our online apparel store (makes great Christmas gifts)
What We're Pondering
- This awesome video about David and Allana: