Friday Fun 11/17

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It's Thanksgiving, DON'T BLOW IT

Thanksgiving Meal Survival 101

  1. Start your day with a little breakfast so when you get to your big meal you’re not starving and prone to overeating.
  2. Check out the entire Thanksgiving meal before you sit down and mentally make choices.  Don’t get surprised by Auntie’s special pie after you’ve already taken a brownie.
  3. One plate.  When the whole family goes back for seconds, go get involved in a movie or a card game and skip the second round!
  4. Easy on empty calories.  Grandma breaking out the eggnog early?  Sit down and have a glass, focus on having a meaningful conversation with Grandma and then hit up the water.
  5. Hit up the Ft. Wright CrossFit Day after Thanksgiving WOD to reset yourself!

Coaches Corner

*We have some OHS coming up next week, so here's a short video about shoulder position in that movement!

Current Events

Thanksgiving Schedule:

  • No 630P on 11/22 (all other classes will run as normally scheduled)
  • Closed 11/23 (no classes)
  • 8AM and 930AM 11/24
  • Closed 11/26 (no classes)

*We now have bottles of water for sale, $1 ea. and charged just like FitAid (marked on the sheet hanging on the fridge)

*Friends and Family Week 11/27-12/2

*Check out our online apparel store (makes great Christmas gifts)

What We're Pondering