Back to the Basics with Nutrition and Current Events

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Current Events

  • Yoga this Sunday noon with Brenda!! The class is $5 cash! 

  • Parent-Kid Class Sunday 4/14 at noon - Easter Fun!!!! 

  • Kids Day Camp will be held on 4/28 from 12p - 3p Age: 8 and up! 

Goal Reviews

Some of you may have already received an email from me regarding Goal Reviews. If you haven’t received one yet, don’t worry, I am working my way alphabetically. The goal reviews are something new that we are doing, that I am really excited about. As we progress in CrossFit our goals change, or adjust to where we are in our journey. These goal reviews are our opportunity to sit down with you and get an update of what your goals are. With that information we can help come up with a plan for you to achieve them, and it gives us a better idea of what kind of things people are struggling with. The ultimate goal is to do the reviews face to face, but we have options for a paper copy, or a google form. So far it has been really awesome to actually sit down and meet with people, especially those that I don’t see on a regular basis (5AM’ers)

Back to the Basics

There is a TON of nutrition info out there, both good and bad. Sometimes it is helpful to take a step back and learn the basics before learning the extremes. With that in mind, what the heck actually is a calorie?

Side Note

Thank you to everyone that has reached out, and/or prayed for us over the last few days. Steph, Izzy, and the baby are all doing ok. It is truly a miracle, and we are appreciative of all your support! Double side note, if you haven’t heard Steph and Izzy were in a head on collision Saturday afternoon that rolled her Jeep multiple times and landed them in the hospital till Monday morning.