9/18 Blog Post

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Post-Workout Nutrition Hacks!

Heavily research and forever proven as effective is the post-workout snack.  While there are many theories floating around out there, consistently considered the King of athletic nutrition is the Post-Workout.  So how do you grab this meal and do it right? Follow the next 5 steps and see how much better you start to feel or how quickly you recover!

Who:  Any athlete who has just finished a workout

What: A small meal or snack, consisting of a protein and carbohydrate

Where: Either at the gym or in your car on the way home

When: Within 30 minutes of finishing a workout

How:  It is completely up to the athlete’s preference.  An easy way to start is by grabbing a protein powder (that you will drink and is affordable) and a piece of fruit.  The protein begins cell repair as the fruit replenishes glycogen stores. The cool thing about placing your protein powder in water is that it immediately begins flushing the system of lactic acid and helps to reduce muscle soreness.  As the athlete begins to consume their post-workout snack consistently, they can begin experimenting with a more paleo post-workout or a more macros based workout! (Also, yes Fit-Aid counts, but you still need a protein!)

Try it out and see Coach Kate with questions!


Try this interval running workout from Coach Zach:

  • 5x1200m repeats with 3:00 rest between. Try to keep all efforts within a few seconds of each other.

Current Events

  • Flying Axes 9/22, details in the Event part of the FB group

  • Team Series starts this Wednesday 9/19 with the first set of workouts being released at 8PM on crossfitgames.com

  • Sweatshirt Order and Money due 9/28. Order form is on the Coaches desk

  • Please check if you’re membership is expiring! If you signed up for the 12 month membership when we changed prices that means you. You can let any coach know, or email us at info@ftwrightcrossfit.com


  • Check out this shoulder warmup that I have been implementing with some of my classes.