See You 18.2! (it kinda rhymes)

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Kg3 Nutrition Challenge Wrap-Up

I have never seen the type of successes we have had this round of nutrition!  I have watched PR’s happen in weightlifting and a million PR’s happen in gymnastics movements.  I have gotten gorgeous before and after pics that illustrate goals being met, both weight gain and weight loss.  The overall results and the amount of athletes that are simply on fire right now are astounding!  Seriously, everyone should be giving themselves and Atta Boy or Atta Girl right now for participating and sticking with it for the whole 6 weeks. 

We have had a tie for the winners of this challenge and they are Leigh Ann Gundrum and Gina Ogden.  Both came in with 543 points and were verified through their LoseIt submissions and their wodify activity last week.  Honorable mention goes to Beth Johnson for her third place finish!  Leigh Ann and Gina win gift certificates to Iron Office Nutrition, Blue Apron and, bragging rights until our next nutrition challenge! 

On a very personal side note, if you are someone who is still struggling to meet your weight expectations and you’re avoiding talking to me because it’s painful or too hard or …for example, you’ve “tried everything”, just completely given up, etc.   I’m working on something just for you, so just keep coming to CrossFit and keep working on your fitness and stay tuned for a workshop just for you this summer.   And if you’re sitting at your computer saying “How would Kate even know what I’m thinking???”   Trust me on this one.  It’s going to be good.

18.2 Recap

  • Great job to everyone for surviving 18.2 and 18.2A!  Congrats to Zach, Vince, Megan, and Kelsey for their top scores on 18.2, and Zach, Kyle, Steph, Meredith for their scores on 18.2A!

Insta Love

  • I ran across this post today and couldn't love it anymore.  "Comparison is the thief of true joy." Enjoy!

Current Events/News

  • Next Parent/Kids Class 4/8 @12
  • Gym will be closed 230P-4P on 3/13.  Sorry for the inconvenience
  • Spring Break is around the corner and a lot of folks will start traveling soon.  Download the "Sweat Deck" app for a fun way to get in a Hotel Room workout while on the road!
  • Head over to Ft Wright Zone FB Page and give us a "Like"