Friday Fun 10/27

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3 tips to have a Healthy Halloween:


  1.  Wait to buy Halloween Candy 
    1. The less time it’s in your house, the less time it’s sneaking in your macros counts.  
  2. Buy the candy you don’t like to consume
    1. Blasphemy I know, but if you love Reese’s but you hate Twizzlers, pick up the Twizzlers instead and avoid the temptation! Yes, it’s about the children but it’s also about you having a successful and healthy Halloween.
  3. Choose the exact amount of candy your children can have over the next few weeks then donate the rest 
    1. Set your allotment for your children as you see fit, then take the rest to your local dentist.  They usually donate it to appropriate locations and it is out of your house!

Coaches Corner

Current Events

  • Parent/Kids Class: 11/5 @12PM, $10 cash
  • We will be hosting a friends and family week 11/27-12/2.  More info to come on that soon!

What We Are Pondering