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 5 Workouts You Can Do Anywhere

Workout 1

*5 Rounds

  • 1:00 max walking lunges

  • 1:00 max up downs

  • 1:00 max run

  • 1:00 max mountain climbers

  • 1:00 plank hold

  • 1:00 rest

Workout 2

*1 Round of each station, 3:00 at each station, 1:00 rest between stations

  • Station 1: 50 Situps into max distance run

  • Station 2: 25 Burpees into max squats

  • Station 3: 50 Situps into max distance run

  • Station 4: 25 Burpees into max squats

Workout 3

*1 Round of each station, 5:00 at each station, 1:00 rest between stations

  • Station 1: Run 200m, 40 Pushups, Run 200m (rest remainder)

  • Station 2: 40 Flutter Kicks, 40 Squats, 40 Flutter Kicks

  • Station 3: 40 Situps, Plank remainder (10 situps every time you break plank)

Workout 4

*As Many Reps as Possible(AMRAP) in 15:00

  • 5 Pushups

  • 10 Lunges

  • 15 Squats

Workout 5

Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) for 12:00

  • Minute 1: 8-15 Burpees

  • Minute 2: 10-20 Situps

  • Minute 3: 15-20 Squats

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